Sell Coal / Bán Than
by Trần Khánh Dư

Sell Coal / Bán Than
Author:  Trần Khánh Dư (1240 - 1340)

English translation by Vuong Thanh, 2019

Carrying a shoulder pole of heaven and earth down the mount’n

Passersby ask me what’s being sold, and I tell them “coal”

Doesn’t care how much’s made as long as the money’s clean

Don’t mind a little gain or loss for these motley chunks of firewood

Live true to my love vows this entire life 

Will see if iron and stone can stand the fire

My face’s begrimed and I have considered another line of work

But then I’m afraid that many people will be cold.

Một gánh kiền khôn quẩy tếch ngàn

Hỏi chi bán đó, dạ rằng than

Ít nhiều miễn được đồng tiền tốt

Hơn thiệt nào bao gốc củi tàn

Ở với lửa hương cho vẹn kiếp

Thử xem sắt đá có bền gan

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