The Tale of Kiều
by Nguyễn Du
Ch. 57: Kim and Vân Got Married
Translated by Vuong Thanh 

chapter 58 - kim marry van.mp3

Chapter 57: Kim and Vân Got Married 

With ink diluted with tears, he wrote letters,

and sent people to look for her.

So much effort and money spent.

Lin-ching, he had gone a few times. 

But he searched here while she was there.

Between the vast sky and the seas, where would she be? 

Kim became more and more distressed with longings and fears.

His liver was like on fire, his bosom felt like being scraped by a knife.

The silkworm, spinning its threads, day by day, became more wasted.

The cicada, under biting frost, became thinner each day.

He languished, sometimes sober, sometimes dreaming.

Tears of blood flowed from his eyes, his soul departed in a dream.

Kiều’s parents were very worried and frightened.

How was it that he came to this state!

They, in haste, prepared to set a date, 

for the wedding of Thúy Vân and Kim.

Ch. 57: Kim Trọng Lấy Thúy Vân

2825. Đinh ninh mài lệ chép thơ

Cắt người tìm kiếm, đưa tờ nhắn nhe.

Biết bao công mướn, của thuê

Lâm-Thanh mấy độ đi về dặm khơi

Người một nơi hỏi một nơi

2830. Mênh mông nào biết bể trời nơi nao?

Sinh càng thảm thiết khát khao

Như nung gan sắt, như bào lòng son.

Ruột tằm ngày một héo hon

Tuyết sương ngày một hao mòn hình ve.

2835. Thẩn thờ lúc tỉnh lúc mê

Máu theo nước mắt hồn lìa chiêm bao.

Xuân huyên lo sợ biết bao

Quá ra khi đến thế nào mà hay!

Vội vàng sắm sửa chọn ngày

2840. Duyên Vân sớm đã se dây cho chàng.

A graceful maiden, an elite scholar.

Talented man and beautiful girl in their springs of youth.

Although Kim was happy with the marriage,

the joy of newlyweds was not enough to fully suppress his sorrow. 

While eating, sleeping, coming in and out, 

the more attached they were, the deeper his past love grew.

Until when would he ever stop longing for her?

His tears fell profusely, and his insides full of knots. 

Sometimes, when his study room was quiet

he’d burn the incense, and play the old lute. 

The silk strings moaned softly its melody of love and sorrow. 

Wisps of smoke of fragrant incense floating in the air,

the light breeze stirring the blinds. 

Seemed to Kim like inside the room, by the terrace, 

the sound of her voice floated to him, 

and her silhouette appeared like a dream. 

Because his heart remained true to his beloved, 

he thought of her so he saw her appeared. 

While he was steeped in sorrow day and night,

several springs and autumns had been passing by.

Người yểu điệu, kẻ văn chương

Trai tài gái sắc xuân đương vừa thì

Tuy rằng vui chữ vu quy

Vui nào đã cất sầu kia được nào!

2845. Khi ăn ở, lúc ra vào

Càng xâu duyên mới, càng dào tình xưa

Nỗi nàng nhớ đến bao giờ

Tuôn châu đòi trận, vò tơ trăm vòng

Có khi vắng vẻ thư phòng

2850. Đốt lò hương, giở phím đồng ngày xưa.

Bẻ bai rủ rỉ tiếng tơ

Trầm bay nhạt khói, gió đưa lay rèm

Dường như bên nóc, trước thềm

Tiếng kiều đồng vọng bóng xiêm mơ màng

2855. Bởi lòng tạc đá ghi vàng

Tưởng nàng nên lại thấy nàng về đây

Những là phiền muộn đêm ngày

Xuân thu biết đã đổi thay mấy lần?

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