The Tale of Kiều
by Nguyễn Du
Ch. 32: Kiều Got Kidnapped
Translated by Vuong Thanh 

Chapter 32: Kiều Got Kidnapped 

As soon as he took off on the long road, 

she boarded her carriage and went to see her family. 

She told everything to her mother.

His infidelity, and how she’d borne her wrong. 

She said, “I think that a jealous tantrum is like an skin itch, 

which only makes him look bad, and no one will praise me for that!

So I’d kept quiet and looked the other way, 

but I already had a plan that I’d prepared for quite some time. 

Lin-tzu would take about a month by land.

But by sea, we can get there directly and in much less time.  

We’ll outfit a boat and choose some trusted servants.

They’ll go there and drag her back with feet in chains.

When she’s here,  I’ll exhaust her strength, and drive her nuts.  

I’ll torture her, make her suffer and miserable for him and all to see. 

So, firstly, I can quench my hatred against both of them.

And secondly, I’ll make this a comic spectacle for posterity.”

Her mother praised, “An excellent plan.”

She indulged her daughter and left her free to do as she will.

After the boat was set up with sails, 

several thugs were recruited.

Then several instructions for various scenarios were given,

before the boat set sail towards Lin-tzu.

Ch. 32: Kiều Bị Bắt Cóc

1605. Roi câu vừa gióng dặm trường 

Xe hương nàng cũng thuận đường quy ninh 

Thưa nhà huyên hết mọi tình

Nỗi chàng ở bạc nỗi mình chịu đen. 

“Nghĩ rằng: Ngứa ghẻ hờn ghen

1610. Xấu chàng mà có ai khen chi mình! 

Vậy nên ngảnh mặt làm thinh

Mưu cao vốn đã rắp ranh những ngày 

Lâm Tri đường bộ tháng chầy

Mà đường hải đạo sang ngay thì gần

1615. Dọn thuyền lựa mặt gia nhân

Hãy đem dây xích buộc chân nàng về 

Làm cho cho mệt cho mê

Làm cho đau đớn ê chề cho coi! 

Trước cho bõ ghét những người

1620. Sau cho để một trò cười về sau.”

Phu nhân khen chước rất mầu

Chiều con mới dạy mặc dầu ra tay 

Sửa sang buồm gió lèo mây

Khuyển ưng lại chọn một bầy côn quang 

1625. Dặn dò hết các mọi đường

Thuận phong một lá vượt sang bến Tề. 

Since her lover’s departure, Kieu sat by her window, all alone. 

Her heart was filled with sadness as she thinks of him and her future.

The evening shadows hanging overhead reminded her of her parents.

“Have they warm clothes? Do they eat well? How’s their health?

My clipped hair has now reached my shoulder,

but what has become of all my vows of love?

I’m just a humble clinging ivy.

Will Heaven give me his blessings for this matrimony? 

Why have so many unjust misfortunes fallen on my head?.

I’d rather give up everything and live alone like the Moon Lady in her cold palace.”

Autumn night, a breeze entered through the pink curtains.

A crescent moon, the Three Stars high in the sky.

She lit incense sticks before Buddha’s altar

and was pouring out her heart in a long prayer.

When from behind the flower shrubs, a pack of evil men sprang out.

They were like the devils that came from underground.

The courtyard was soon all gleaming with their shining swords.

Terrified, she still did not understand what was going on,

when she was administered a drowse-inducing drug,

that put her mind into a dreamlike sleep state.

They then placed her on a horse,

and set fire to the library and her bedchamber.

On the river bank laid some stranger’s corpse.

They dragged it in to deceive people to think it was her.

Nàng từ chiếc bóng song the

Đường kia nỗi nọ như chia mối sầu

Bóng đâu đã xế ngang đầu 

1630. Biết đâu ấm lạnh biết đâu ngọt bùi. 

Tóc thề đã chấm ngang vai

Nào lời non nước nào lời sắt son 

Sắn bìm chút phận cỏn con

Khuôn duyên biết có vuông tròn cho chăng? 

1635. Thân sao nhiều nỗi bất bằng

Liều như cung Quảng ả Hằng nghĩ nao! 

Đêm thu gió lọt song đào 

Nửa vành trăng khuyết, ba sao giữa trời. 

Nén hương đến trước Phật đài 

1640. Nỗi lòng khấn chửa cạn lời vân vân. 

Dưới hoa dậy lũ ác nhân

Ầm ầm khốc quỷ kinh thần mọc ra.

Đầy sân gươm tuốt sáng lòa 

Thất kinh nàng chửa biết là làm sao. 

1645. Thuốc mê đâu đã rưới vào

Mơ màng như giấc chiêm bao biết gì. 

Vực ngay lên ngựa tức thì

Phòng đào, viện sách bốn bề lửa dong. 

Sẵn thây vô chủ bên sông

1650. đem vào để đó lộn sòng ai hay? 

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