The Tale of Kiều
by Nguyễn Du
Ch. 21: In Jade Tower, Longing For Home
Translated by Vuong Thanh
tranh họa sĩ Khánh Vũ
Chapter 21: In Jade Tower, Longing For Home
Kiều now lived in the Jade Tower with a few friends:
Some distant hills and the nearby moon.
On all four sides into the far distance that she could see:
Some dunes of gold sand, some trails with red dust.
With resigned ennui and shame, her days slowly went by,
from watching dawn clouds to staying awake by the night lamplight.
The scenic view and her feelings divided her heart in two.
She thought of him, the cup of pledge wine under the moonlight.
How he must be longing for news of her each day.
In this corner of the sky, alone on this lost shore,
how would she ever cleanse her tainted heart.
She grieved for those awaiting at the door for her return.
Who would fan her parents now during hot weather,
and keeps them warm them in the cold winter.
After these months of rain and shine, the yard’s catalpa tree probably big enough to stretch her arms around.
In sadness she watched the harbor at sunset.
Whose boat was it with sails appearing and disappearing far off?
In sadness she watched the river flowing into the sea.
Drifting flowers on the water. Where would they go?
In sadness she watched the vast plain of wilted grass.
A bluish tint where the earth meets the clouds.
In sadness she watched the wind raising eddies in the bay.
The waves were roaring around her seat.
All around her were foreign streams and unknown hills.
An exile’s sorrow inspired her with a few quatrains.
Ch. 21: Lầu Ngưng Bích, Kiều Nhớ Nhà
Trước lầu Ngưng bích khóa xuân
Vẻ non xa, tấm trăng gần, ở chung
Bốn bề bát ngát xa trông (1035)
Cát vàng cồn nọ, bụi hồng dặm kia.
Bẽ bàng mây sớm đèn khuya
Nửa tình, nửa cảnh như chia tấm lòng
Tưởng người dưới nguyệt chén đồng
Tin sương luống những rày trông mai chờ (1040)
Bên trời góc bể bơ vơ
Tấm son gột rửa bao giờ cho phai
Xót người tựa cửa hôm mai
Quạt nồng ấp lạnh, những ai đó giờ?
Sân Lai cách mấy nắng mưa (1045)
Có khi gốc tử đã vừa người ôm?
Buồn trông cửa bể chiều hôm
Thuyền ai thấp thoáng cánh buồm xa xa?
Buồn trông ngọn nước mới sa
Hoa trôi man mác, biết là về đâu? (1050)
Buồn trông nội cỏ dàu dàu
Chân mây mặt đất một màu xanh xanh
Buồn trông gió cuốn mặt ghềnh
Ầm ầm tiếng sóng kêu quanh ghế ngồi
Chung quanh những nước non người (1055)
Đau lòng lưu lạc, nên vài bốn câu