The Tale of Kiều
by Nguyễn Du
Ch. 44: Waiting for Từ Hải to Return
Translated by Vuong Thanh
tranh họa sĩ Nguyễn Sơn

Chapter 44: Waiting for Từ Hải to Return
Kiều, left alone with her shadow, by the flowery curtains.
She lived endless nights behind bolted doors.
The moss-covered yard no longer bore any shoeprints.
The grass grew over a feet high, the willow thinner a few inches.
She missed the trees of her hometown thousands of miles away.
Her nostalgic soul flew homeward with the faraway clouds.
Her heart ached when she thinks of her old parents.
She wondered if their sorrows for her departure had lessened.
It had been ten and some years already.
If still alive, their skin must be wrinkled and their hair frost-white.
With bitter regret, she thought of her first love.
Although the lotus flower’s filament is cut, the filament of love
still lingers in the heart.
If my little sister had retied the broken red thread,
perhaps by now, she already have two children.
From her exile, she thought of her distant homeland.
Thousands of thoughts and confused feelings in her mind and heart.
And again she thought of the great eagle flying high in the sky.
Her eyes had been set on the sky horizon that he had gone.
Ch. 44: Chờ Đợi Từ Hải Trở Về
Nàng thì chiếc bóng song mai
Đêm thâu đằng đẵng, nhặt cài then mây.
Sân rêu chẳng vẽ dấu giầy
Cỏ cao hơn thước, liễu gầy vài phân.
2235. Đoái thương muôn dặm tử phần
Hồn quê theo ngọn mây Tần xa xa
Xót thay huyên cỗi xuân già
Tấm lòng thương nhớ, biết là có nguôi.
Chốc là mười mấy năm trời
2240. Còn ra khi đã da mồi tóc sương.
Tiếc thay chút nghĩa cũ càng
Dẫu lìa ngó ý còn vương tơ lòng!
Duyên em dù nối chỉ hồng
May ra khi đã tay bồng tay mang.
2245. Tấc lòng cố quốc, tha hương
Đường kia nỗi nọ ngổn ngang bời bời
Cánh hồng bay bổng tuyệt vời
Đã mòn con mắt phương trời đăm đăm.