The Tale of Kiều
by Nguyễn Du
Ch. 19: Kiều Committed Suicide
Translated by Vuong Thanh 

Chapter 19: Kiều Committed Suicide 

 “O lofty heavens! O thick earth!”, Kiều cried out, 

“My life, I had forsaken the day I left my home.

Well! To finish it, I had nothing more to regret!”

At once, she pulled out the knife hidden in her sleeve.

The bawd was afraid that Kieu had the courage to kill herself.

She was still watching Kieu’s countenance as Kieu stabbed.

Alas, such great beauty and splendid talent!

Is a cruel knife to take away her unfortunate life from this world?

News of her undeserved misfortune broke out noisily near and far.

The house, for once, was fully packed with a crowd of people.

While she lay there all quiet in her deep slumber,

the bawd just stood there, her wits gone, trembling and staring.

Then Kiều was brought to the west wing.

A nurse was assigned to care for her, a doctor called in.

But her ties to this world were not yet finished.

In her sleep, she sensed a girl was standing by her side.

The girl whispered, “Your karma’s not yet done.

How could you escape your debt of heart-rending grief to Life?

Your fate still holds you to a beauty’s misfortunes.

What a human wishes for, Heaven may not allow.

Wait until you fulfill your destiny of a frail reed.

By the Chien-tang river, we two shall again meet. 

Ch. 19: Kiều Tự Sát

Nàng rằng: “Trời thẳm đất dày! 

Thân này đã bỏ những ngày ra đi  (980)

Thôi thì thôi, có tiếc gì!” 

Sẵn dao tay áo tức thì giở ra 

Sợ gan nát ngọc liều hoa 

Mụ còn trông mặt nàng đà quá tay

Thương ôi tài sắc bậc này  (985)

Một dao oan nghiệt đứt dây phong trần. 

Nỗi oan vỡ lở xa gần 

Trong nhà người chật một lần như nêm

Nàng thì bằn bặt giấc tiên

Mụ thì cầm cập mặt nhìn hồn bay  (990)

Vực nàng vào chốn hiên tây 

Cắt người coi sóc chạy thầy thuốc thang 

Nào hay chưa hết trần duyên 

Trong mê dường đã đứng bên một nàng 

Rỉ rằng: Nhân quả dở dang  (995)

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Số còn nặng nợ má đào 

Người dầu muốn quyết trời nào đã cho 

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Sông Tiền Đường sẽ hẹn hò về sau.  (1000)

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