
 Phùng Duy Tân

In this shadowed realm where I dwell,

Pain whispers secrets I cannot tell.

My body wages a war unseen,

A battleground where I've fiercely been.

With each breath, my silent pleas,

Cancer grips, refusing to release.

In this fight, I discover strength,

A glimmer of light at arm's length.

My sighs echo off these walls,

A melody of my rise and falls.

A smile I wear, hiding my weep,

In this journey, endlessly steep.

Emotions pour like relentless rain,

Each drop a memory, each a pain.

Moments lost, a heavy cost,

In this tempest, I'm tempest-tossed.

Yet, in this pain, I find a fire,

A resilience that never tires.

Each tear teaches, each scar earns,

In every wound, wisdom turns.

Here I stand in the downpour,

Embracing life, with pain at the core.

For in each breath, however brief,

I've tasted love, I've known grief.

Remember me, not for my sorrows,

But for my bravery, my borrowed tomorrows.

For in this storm, I've carved my way,

In the darkest night, I've found my day.

When my final chapter starts to part,

See my journey as my art.

A life of love, pain, and strife,

A canvas of my full-lived life.
