Phùng Duy Tân

In the silent hours of night,

Under the cold, indifferent moonlight,

Here I lie, a soul weary and worn,

Battling a storm, tattered and torn.

Life courses through, but within,

A relentless battle, I cannot win.

In my eyes, once a fiery glow,

Now flickers dimly, succumbing to woe.

Each breath is a burden, heavy and sore,

A reminder of the struggle I bore.

Cancer's shadow, dark and looming,

In its grasp, no light blooming.

Pain and fear, constant companions,

In this journey, no champions.

Dreams once held in my heart's embrace,

Now distant echoes, lost in space.

Heroes' tales feel hollow and vain,

In this fight, only loss, no gain.

My story, a tale of fading light,

A warrior's surrender, losing the fight.

Time, a relentless, cruel thief,

Stealing moments, in stark relief.

Laughter, love, now distant cries,

Under the uncaring skies.

Thoughts of brighter days seem so far,

Lost in this endless, dark bazaar.

My heart, once vibrant and bright,

Now struggles to find any light.

Alone in this fight, I stand,

No comforting touch, no guiding hand.

In this battle with time's cruel plan,

I am an island, a solitary man.

I search for peace in the mundane,

A fleeting respite from the pain.

But smiles, joy – they all seem rare,

In every moment, just despair.

More than this trial, I once aspired,

But now, in my heart, the fire's retired.

The path is steep, the end draws nigh,

In my spirit, just a sigh.