O Lady of Peace / Hỡi Người Em Hòa Bình
by Vĩnh Điện

O Lady of Peace / Hỡi Người Em Hòa Bình
by  Vĩnh Điện

English translation by Vuong Thanh, 2019
Trình bày: Thái Thanh

When you return, aging mothers stop weeping.

When you return, people stop their bitter bickerings.

When you return, the kids’ faces light up with happy smiles.

When you return, the children sing in delight.

When you return, the forest trees awaken.

When you return, the grass dances in the early morning sun.

When you return, the birds chorus a welcome song.

I call your name sunshine, or the rain to water the rice fields.

I also call you the light, the source of growth of Vietnam’s future.

Or the cool shade of the ancient trees.

You’re the people’s Happiness and Liberty.

The song of celebration for a future of a prosperous and liberated Vietnam.

O Lady of Peace, Lady of Peace.

We welcome you with a song of compassion and love.

We welcome you with a garden of blooming flowers and fruits.

We welcome you with happy smiles on our lips and in our eyes.

We welcome you with a sky of bright sunshine…

We welcome you with our large circle of hands clasping one another.

We welcome you from our hearts with lyrics and verse.

We welcome you with unshakable faith and trust.

With our hands together, 

we will  cut down trees to rebuild the villages.

With our hearts and minds together, 

we will help rebuild Vietnam’s future.

The vast rice fields, we will plant and irrigate.

Shoulder to shoulder, back to back, 

we will rebuild a peaceful homeland.

O Vietnam, a Peaceful Vietnam.

O Vietnam, a Liberated Vietnam.

O Vietnam, a Vietnam with a bright and glorious future.